Monday, July 30, 2007

The 400 blows

Hey, it's a milestone -- this post you're reading here is number 400. Only took me a little more than four years. Four hundred posts, four and a half years -- about 90 posts a year, which is one every four or five days. Not a bad average, considering there have been a few months-long stretches where I posted nothing at all. (It hasn't been hurt by the last few months, when I've been averaging better that a post a day. Yay for high-speed internet access!)

This easily ranks as my longest-running writing endeavor; every other long-term project has been abandoned well before the four-year mark. Even Revolver is only two years old. (Ten episodes, two years. That average sucks.)

Thank you for reading. And at this rate, I'll be at 500 by Halloween.

(If you'd like to bask in some jwalkernet Greatest Hits nostalgia, you can read these two posts from December of 2005. They're probably my favorites.

Lucky, Conclusion (?): The Ancient Wisdom of the Orient.)

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