Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well, it's about frickin' time, huh?

The liberals of America -- of which I am one -- are living in pretty scary times, I hope you know that. Those who stand opposite of us on the political spectrum rule all three branches of our government, and each day seems to bring another attempt by the conservatives to bring us one step closer to 1984. Hell, they're not even trying to hide it anymore: witness the Jeff Gannon/James Guckert nonsense as evidence if you don't believe me.

(For those unfamiliar with this story, the gist is that a White House reporter named Jeff Gannon -- a guy who asked nothing but embarassingly biased softball questions to the Bush Adminstration, like, "You say so-and-so, Democrats say such-and-such, how do you intend to deal with those who are so strongly divorced from reality?"...and that last part's a quote -- turned out not to be a reporter at all. In reality, he was James Guckert, a male homosexual prostitute with his own website featuring prices and nude photographs of himself. And the Republicans defended the fucking guy, too, I guess because being a homosexual is horrible and evil, but male homosexual prostitution [not to mention being a scumball, worthless, spineless suck-up yes-man "reporter"] is a-okay, as long as you're on their side. In fact, judging by their endorsement of Gannon/Guckert, I'd say it's encouraged. And now Gannon is weeping on his own blog about the evil liberals who exposed him, as if it's their fault the White House is totally lacking in ethics, morality or even a conscience of any sort.)

(And you know, I'd bet a thousand dollars someone would never get away with this kind of shit in C.J. Cregg's press room. But I digress.)

The point is that when something good for our side comes along, it's nice to shout it from the rooftops. So it was a pleasant moment when I read a few moments ago that the Supreme Court has outlawed the execution of minors, citing it as "cruel and unusual punishment."

Well, duh.

Of course, the rest of us are still subject to the death penalty -- which is somehow not cruel and unusual when it's an adult, but hey, I'll take the victory. So now the 19 states which still allowed the execution of minors (like the backwards-ass one where I live) are prohibited from doing so.

Now, if we can just get the death penalty for adults thrown out, too, maybe we'll be making some progress into actual, you know, civilization. That'll be the day.

(For those who'd like to learn the whole Gannon/Guckert story, in all its horrific glory, you can read about it at AmericaBlog.)

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