Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Smile, you're at Mr. Smiley's!

I've been neglecting this website. I've been neglecting friends with whom I share e-mail correspondence. I've been neglecting the stuff I have to do for this other website over here. Lots of neglect.

I am heartily sorry for the neglecting (neglection?). Really. Even though one could make the argument that the neglecting isn't totally my fault, I feel bad.

(A voice rises from the back: "Hey, maybe if you spent more time doing the things you should be doing, and less time apologizing for not doing them, we'd all feel better!" Thanks, jackass. Good advice. Security!)

Anyway. This is the part where I promise never to do it again, and even though I'm typing and not speaking, I can hear my voice saying these words in my head...except it's not my voice, it's my father's voice, and he's telling my eight-year-old self that he's so sorry he hasn't called me in two years, he's just been so busy, you understand, right, son? And "Cats in the Cradle" is playing in the background.

Okay. I'm a jackass. I won't promise to make it better, or that I'll update this page or write my friends more often or put together all the things I need to make that other website happy, because I'll probably fuck that up, too. I'll just say...yeah. I'm a jackass. Some events were beyond my control, but some were not, I fucked up, and tumbleweeds are now rolling across my website and my friends probably think I've forgotten they existed.

Just thought I'd put some sunshine into your day. Thank you, drive through.

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