Monday, May 26, 2003

I've been putting this off for a while now, but I finally started work on my next script, Exposure, today. Since my friends and I are shooting it in July, I should have started a long time ago, but better late than never. I was so happy with myself, I decided to slap the first scene up here for everyone read.

(NOTE: Because this is just for my friends, and I'm going to direct it, I'm not adhering exactly to the rigid standards of screenplay format. If this bothers anyone...I don't care.)

Exposure, Scene 1


A bedroom, night. The lights are on, but dim.

JACK sits on the bed, stone-faced. A plastic bag by his side. He's staring at a photograph in his hand, though we can't see what it's a picture of.

After a moment, Jack puts down the photo and walks across the room to his stereo. He presses a few buttons to start the music, then walks back to the bed.

Cue music: "Lucky," Radiohead.

As he sits, he once again picks up the photo. We now see the picture: it's a celebration of some kind. Jack is standing with four of his friends: BRUCE, KYLE, BRANDON, and SARAH. In the photo, they are all happy and smiling. Jack is standing next to Sarah.

A wave of pain and sadness moves across his face as he looks at the photograph.

Music: "I'm on a roll / I'm on a roll this time / I feel my luck could change."

We zoom in on Sarah on Jack. The happy look on Jack's face is a sharp contrast to the gloom he has now. He mumbles along with the next line of the song:

Music/Jack: "Kill me, Sarah / Kill me again with love / It's gonna be a glorious day."

He puts down the photo and reaches into his bag. He pulls out a razor.

Wincing in pain, his cuts his wrists.

Music: "Pull me out of the air crash / Pull me out of the lake"

He leans back on his bed and closes his eyes.

Music: "Cause I'm your superhero / And we are standing on the edge...."


Dig the gloom, baby. And it only gets more depressing from there. I'm not exactly what you'd call an upbeat writer.

Comments on this (or anything else, for that matter) are welcome as always.

The breaking of the spirit thwarts the whole being. Your weapon is guilt.

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